Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I don't have it. Do you?

I was just sitting alone, and was thinking about the topic to post to this blog. I was really not having anything in mind to write on. Then, I realized that I have NOTHING in my mind. That NOTHING made me think a lot. I believe in NOTHING, and I believe you too should.

There are people who feel that they are good at all the things, and there is NOTHING which they don't know. I really don't know whether their feeling really exists, or not. But what I feel is this that there are so many things which one has never ever thought of. I totally agree that there is no time in our life when we don't do anything. Because even if we sit alone, we are sitting alone.

I have seen very few, who really admits that they don't know it. I admit that I don't know it, do you know it?


  1. hey good thought.......even i feel that many people in this world feel that they know everything and there is nothing which they dont know........ but the reality is something else which even they dont know themselves....

  2. Very Nice thought. Even I feel that the word NOTHING dont exist at all.. Coz even if we are silent.. the silence has so much to speak..

  3. hey khushboo...thanx a lot for your comment....keep visiting...

  4. good man!!.. there is No Nothing.. Behind every nothing there is something.. good post..

  5. Thanks Rohit...keep on visiting...and posting your comments...

  6. Hi Akhil...I like uor concepts nd thought...
    I exactly feel nd belief the same...
    good job
