Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Feel Proud of yourself!

Spending last two days in not-so-normal mood, I was continuously thinking of the reason behind it. I had a fight? No. I lost something? No. Anything else unusual? A big NO. I am 100% sure that I am not the only who felt like this, or Am I?
After getting back to normal, I started thinking about something which I am proud of. Why? I wanted to know if there is anything I am happy for. I wanted to know something I think I have done very well. I wanted to know which makes me feel little different from others.
When I say PROUD, I do not mean the dominant feeling of putting yourself over others. I just mean the inner sense of feeling your worth, your importance. Think about any moment, any work, any instance, which you are proud of. It can be you having good muscles, you donating to the poor and needy, you helping others, or anything else. 
It will not be wrong to say that when we feel proud of ourselves, our body language changes completely. The straight head starts looking in the sky, the nervous eyes becomes alert, the bent shoulder gets filled with air, and we start moving as if we rule the world. Isn't it? Whatever you do in that feeling is your best.  
There are many of us who think they are good for nothing, or they get disappointed so early. This post is dedicated to all those friends. You see things when you want to see. You may not notice Red color around you unless you try to. And when you try to notice Red color, you find it even if it is not rarely visible.
What are you proud of?