Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tie your Stress

Most of us are having some or the other kind or stress. Some of us have stress from studies, from personal life, unhealthy food, etc. Here are five tips to manage your stress-

1. Go on a holiday and throw your stress somewhere there, so that no one can bring it back.

2. Exercise daily and use your stress in lifting weights. If you have anger, show it to the body by exercise, but don't do it too much. Have your senses with you.

3. Hobbies and interests are very far from us these days. Bring them back, and involve yourself in that so that you can forget about your stress.

4. Do everything with your friends and family. Being alone can make you feel more stressed.

5. Proper food will help you and your body to balance the unbalanced things. Eat well but not too much.

There can be many other things which we can do to manage our stress. I am waiting for your comments to know some other tips.


  1. Though i completely agree on most of the articles u have been regularly posting... but one point that i dont agree with you that i constantly come up in your texts that loneliness is in any way bad for one or all of us.... it i feel is a relative term and most if not all of us are not always happy with company but it is the opposite.... that some feel good in company while others find bliss "mostly" with just having some quality peaceful time with themselves or their hobbies.... other than that i mostly agree with all your viewpoints to date......

  2. Loneliness in long term is always harmful...Just think for a while that you are a person who is always away from others...what will you be in long term, nothing but a statue who have emotions but not to share..who have respect but not for will take u nowhere and you will find urself in deep pit....

  3. It may be for some people who just cant live on without others being around them.... while there are many people who find blissful peace in being mostly alone, without any emotional nagging just plain pure bliss.....

    i am not talking that one should live like a hermit and cut out from society...just i say that i dont agree with ur perception that only being with others can make u happy as my perception here is totally the opposite....
    that though people are there to help them or to take help from them and such, but one should try not to rely on other people esp for happiness (relying on them to make one happy is like relying on a spider's web for support as most relationships are bound to break or turn sour) according to my view true and pure happiness is found only within one, with ones' own and not in the crowd, treat them as optional when concerned with having fun....

    PS No hard feelings tis only my views......
