Monday, December 28, 2009

10 things to keep you happy at work

There are many people who just want to work for themselves. They are their own boss. On the contrary, we have a majority of people who work for others. Most of them are not happy at their work place. It is said that happiness lies inside you, and these people really don't know in which part. So here are 10 reason which these people can try to keep themselves happy at their workplace.

1. If you have two options of being happy and sad, please choose to be happy.

2. Try to do something which you love to do at your workplace, but it should be office related.

3. Go for your professional and personality development.

4. Try to know what is going on in your organization as you are part of that family.

5. Always ask for feedback of your work. If you are not well, do well and motivate yourself.

6. Avoid negative people and negative activities.

7. Commit when you can really do. Do not make false promises as it will return to you someday.

8. Practice professional courage like conflict resolutions as it will help you in long run.

9. The persons working with are your family members, so make friends.

10. If you think none of this working, go to a job search engine and look for a new job. I guess that will make you happy.

I hope at least one of this will keep you happy. I am waiting for other things from you which can keep you happy at work.

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