Friday, August 27, 2010

Being Alone, or Being Lonely?

"Loneliness is something which we feel,
it may be worse as it may kill."

People are happy, people are sad. People may act, people may remain silent. We do something which is not expected, we do not do something which is expected. Some of us feel happy when others cry, some just start crying when others cry. This is what we are, and that is what makes us COMPLEX human beings.

According to many Psychologists, we are more disturbed by the word "LONELINESS" than "rape", "kill", "death", or "murder". Most of you might be thinking that you are lonely. The greatest confusion comes between the words - "Lonely" and "Alone". These are completely different feelings, and they often confuse us. Let me try to make them more clear.

Let me tell you about the word "Alone" first. It means you are physically near to no one. It is often considered positive for us as it may refresh our mind, generate confidence, help in effective thinking process, or can help solve critical problems. For example, you are a writer and if you are alone, then it will help you think in better way and will bring better results. You may be alone by your choice, or because of circumstances.

Now lets talk about "Lonely". In general, the word "Lonely" is considered as a situation where the person suffers mentally and face negative consequences. The person here feels as if he has lost his identification, his worth, or his understanding. A person can be lonely even when he is in between a huge crowd, or even if he is with someone who care for him a lot. Loneliness is something which kills bit by bit, and there comes the time when serious consequences are faced by the lonely person.

Loneliness is the biggest enemy of the human society, and those who are lonely can understand - why it is. A person can be both alone and lonely too. We all may have touched someone who is really lonely, and is really not in a state to help himself. Help that person, or else he may have silent death.

Is this Competition?

Long ago, we successfully crossed the "Survival of the fittest" challenge. It is just because of that we are here today. That time, there was no word called "FAIR", no word called "UNFAIR"; our ancestors just did it as they had no other options.

Here we are, having competition in our blood. Always ready to win over others. We have crossed all limits of being unfair. When my brother is progressing, I will push him down and will start my journey on his foot steps. When the best colleague in my organization is doing good, I will be the one who will be a backstabber. When my best friend in my school is getting highest marks, I will make plans to get him into the allegations of malpractice.

This is what we have become. When we win, we expect others to take it sportively; and when others win, let the word "sportive" go to hell.

Are we really made for this?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Life is a Race

Life is a race,
which we all have to face,

You can lead,
or can go dead,

You can win,
or can go to sin,

It is all in your hand,
wherever you want, you can land,

You try once, you try twice,
every failure will make you wise,

It is all on you as if you dare,
the efforts will never go spare.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

India's 63rd Independence Day

"I have feelings, but I don't want to share;
I want to do something for my country, but fighting is not just a single way;
I respect my country, but respect comes from the heart;
My country will prosper, but it will take time."

This is what we have in mind. 15th is a great occasion to wish, meet, eat, hang-out, and shopping. Do we really mean to wish? "Mera Bharat Mahaan" se Bharat mahaan nahi hoga. Take initiate, and encourage others.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"No Arms, No Legs, No Worries" Man

Today I read a lot about “No Arms, No Legs, No Worries” man – Nick Vujicic. We all know about him, and have seen many inspirational videos. So, I do not want to share any of his inspirational stories and how he fought back with God’s creation.

One thing which I can conclude from this great man’s life story till now is – “What you got, has nothing to do with what you can do”. The ability to do things lies within us. There are times where a stupid person (which people call him) can do things which even the most intelligent person can never do. It is just because of the fact that the stupid person wanted to do that, and the intelligent one doesn’t.

What you have, is not at all enough to do all that which you want to do.

Believe in yourself. Look inside more than you look outside.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What do you do?

Every time we meet a new person, the conversation starts with the “name” and “what do you do?”. There are many of us who are doing something which is not our passion, and the “what do you do” from others seems like a big blow to us. You know why? Because we do not want to answer that “9 to 5 shift” as we do not want to show ourselves in a pigeon hole.

We do have our passion with us (may be writing, painting, playing, etc.), but that is not what our occupation is.

Let us try it out like this for the next time. When someone asks you the “what do you do” question, try to respond as – “Currently I am working as a Store Manager, but my real passion is Painting”. You will be amazed to see the results. This will make you realize your true identity, your true passion, your true life. The day will not be too far when you will really be working with your passion, which you always thought of doing.

If you can’t do it, you will always be at the same place. Dare to Dream!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Friendship Day!!!

I cried when I went to school for the first time,
As it was a new change in my life.

I had no one to talk to, no one to play with,
But then I met special someone.

The person was not my Mom, not my Dad, not even my Siblings,
The person was just someone who was just an Angel.

He talked to me, he fought with me,
He loved me, he slapped me,
He cared for me, he kicked me,
He brought food for me, he took food from me,
He helped me, he took my help,
He tried to teach me all that I needed.

That was the past, this is the present,
But he has never thought of changing with this changing world.

He was with me, he is with me,
I pray that he will always be with me.

Thank you God for giving me,
An Angel called FRIEND.

Happy Friendship Day to all my Visitors!!!