Saturday, October 17, 2009

Learn to smile

I have seen many people (including me) who just get upset whenever they face any difficulty in anything. Life is all about stuggle and it is not written in our destiny that our bad face will help us get rid of those difficulties.

We always make bad faces to show others that we are having some problem, and that is completely ruining us. This ultimately creates many other problems including bitter relations wth others. I have realized this, and have started working on the same. Making bad faces will not gonna make any improvement in our life, but instead of that it may create some extra problems.

We will loose nothing if we will smile at every problem. I know this is not at all easy but we can start by smiling at minor problems.


1 comment:

  1. Really smile costs nothing still we are very miser to smile...u know dis prob is too much with me so i'l try to smile in adverse situation ...
