Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yesterday's Objection, Today's Praise

We live in a society and always think that we should make them feel happy. If they are complaining something it means we are wrong. The right step for us can be the wrong one for them. They always want to control us.

There are two types of people. One, who always care for other's opinions, views, and responses. Second, who really don't care and do all that they want to do. First type of people always remain where they are now, whereas second type of people go ahead without caring for anyone to achieve their goals. At the end of the day, those who were blaming the second one follow him and his ideologies.

You decide what you want to be.


  1. very well said!people who are jobless belongs to the first cadre!They never have peace or they live on others' and if @ all they realise..that would have costed them their time...IN A WAY THEIR LIFE!
    Guess 1 should belong to the latter group who is much more focused on their own limits,own improvement and moreover own life!After we should live our lives!!!!

  2. Nice blog Akhil! i don't understand y do people rely on others responses and views?? really this is one of the biggest hurdles which stops them to go ahead, and i have seen in my life the people who don't care other's view,perception are ahead of those who do care...

  3. Great post Akhil! One thing to add here is Successful people don't do different things, but they do things differently.

    Keep up the good work.
    Shaadi Nahi MadhuSangam kahiye

  4. Yes visitors...this is what it is. It does not matter which place you are living in but the common thing is the "J" factor. I really can't understand why- may be because humans are only made for this, or may be something which i can never think of.
