Saturday, January 30, 2010

There is no limit

There are people who always say, "This is the maximum which I can do". I think that there is no limit for anything. Nobody thought that we will be able to fly. Nobody thought we will having a surface where we can do anything just by touching the screen.

The recent example is the Apple Tablet PC called iPad. Steve Jobs with his team has brought it to us. Similarly our ability to do anything is not limited. The only thing which makes it limited is the thinking. We think that we can't do this, and we don't do that. We think that we can do this, and we do that.

This is the power of thinking. Don't think that you are weak. The maximum bad will be the Failure nothing else.


  1. I totally agree with akhil. "We think and we do it" is the end story.

    Great post...keep writing!!
