Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hidden-to-Unhidden Ability Shift

We all have some unhidden and many hidden abilities within ourselves. The hidden-to-unhidden shift happens only when the required efforts are put. Confused? Let me put it like this.

When I started learning to ride the bicycle, I did not know how to do it. My brother told me everything which was required, but that was all theoretical. I tried it, and failed several times. I fell thousand times, and finally learnt it.

So, here my hidden ability will be "not able to ride a bicycle", and unhidden ability will be "to be able to ride the bicycle". This shift happened only because of my efforts, right? this is what happens at every moment in our life. We do only those things which we know, and leave what we do not know. We do not know those things just because we have not tried them. Our thoughts just ignore the Hidden-to-Unhidden Ability Shift process.

Always remember - "This shift happens only when we what it to be".


  1. Hey... I'm taking part in the My Demand Contest. Ever thought of converting your "Pee to Petrol"??

    Please do vote for this. I bet you'll like it ;-) Thank you :-)

  2. its been rightly said.... you don't know what you can do, unless you do it :)
