Friday, November 19, 2010

Decide your Happiness Level

We all dream, but only few of us really meet their dreams. All we want in life is SUCCESS, and why not. We have got lot of working hard ability in us. We have got so much potential in us.
The first thing we do for getting success is dream. By dream, I do not want to differentiate between the realistic and the unrealistic dream as that we will be taking later in our blog as a separate post.
We set our targets, our goals; and start working towards them. As every one of us is different, so are our targets and goals. A poor farmer might set his target to have enough money and food to take care of his family and their wishes. A small businessman may want to turn himself into Business Tycoon. An entry level working professional may want to become the CEO of a company. That is how it is, and that is how it is going to be.
But do we really take the word “Success” as same? Let us define the targets and goals which we want to achieve as Happiness Level. So we all have different Happiness Levels. When we attain that Happiness Level, we call it the achievement of the success. But there can rarely be only one Happiness Level in one life. As soon as we achieve the existing Happiness Level, the current level gets shifted to the next Happiness Level. There are those who have one Happiness Level, and even after achieving only that level in their life they continue to be happy. Not forgetting the third category, there are those who do not achieve their Happiness Levels; reason may be anything.
Life is all about being happy. Success can never be pre-defined. Some are happy after having everything, some are happy after having something, and some are happy even after having nothing. Decide your Happiness Level, and work to achieve it.


  1. humans are the most greedy creatures in this world

  2. expectations lead to more expectations...n cravings lead to more n more materialism!!

  3. very true shweta.....we understand the reality, but are not capable enough to control our inner-self...
