Thursday, July 23, 2009

Invisible HR

Great HR is invisible, but it is everywhere. HR is where the business operates, innovates a new product, or in service and growth of the company. Great HR is invisible because Great HR people like it that way.

Have you ever heard of any company who had come up with its HR? I guess, not many. And you know, why? Because, business is not about HR but HR is about business. HR people know very well their reason for existence. They are behind the success of every manager and employee. They are behind every emerging leader. They are behind every clap of the stakeholders for the company. They are behind every single price increase of the share.

HR is performing backstage. They are getting the right people, training them, appraising their performance, rewarding them, and helping company to find talent to win. But when all these things happens, HR people do not get any credit for anything they do. So, if you want to be center stage, stay out of HR. They are the people who enjoy when others enjoy.

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