Friday, October 19, 2012

Why do I lose always?

They say - "The chances of winning is always less"
I say - "It's Win or Lose. So the chances are 50-50, always"

They say - "Success follows hard work"
I say - "Why the hell God gave us BRAIN!"

They say - "Only I lose always"
I say - "By making this comparative illogical statement, you can now decide how dumb you are"
We all want to succeed in whatever we do, and why not! I start everything with the success in my mind. Honestly speaking, I have got success in only few things I have done, and I am not sad about it. Be it win, be it lose, it is always mine.

Winning or losing is again comparative words. What is Win for me, can be Lose for you. For example, if I wanted to clear my college with grade B+, but for you B+ is a curse. So, it is always you who decides whether you have got success or not. If you have worked for something, you succeeded to do it. If you have not worked on something, you have lost it.

I will finish this post by saying, "You will lose if you will not fight"

Fight for every bloody right of yours, or for anything you want to do.