Saturday, January 30, 2010

There is no limit

There are people who always say, "This is the maximum which I can do". I think that there is no limit for anything. Nobody thought that we will be able to fly. Nobody thought we will having a surface where we can do anything just by touching the screen.

The recent example is the Apple Tablet PC called iPad. Steve Jobs with his team has brought it to us. Similarly our ability to do anything is not limited. The only thing which makes it limited is the thinking. We think that we can't do this, and we don't do that. We think that we can do this, and we do that.

This is the power of thinking. Don't think that you are weak. The maximum bad will be the Failure nothing else.

I am the only one with pain

Cry, always cry. There is nothing left in your life. Those who want to cry just because they are getting pains in their life always lag behind. They waste their time crying. I am neither spreading a message for not crying, nor saying that those who cry are all empty bags.

There is no point shouting how much pains you have. There are people who are continuously getting pains but still they are not shouting, instead of that they are fighting. The poorest country in the western Hemisphere, Haiti, is one such example. They were facing poverty and suddenly met the earthquake of 7.0 intensity. Are they just shouting?

Remember that the ones who can fight, can really exist here. Do not just cry, fight too.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You really a new AVATAR now

Have you ever been cheated or ditched? I am sure of a big "YES". Today people are more into looking into what others are doing. They first check that, and then plan to the best to mess everything. You know about the back-bitters and you are doing anything.

Ooo...I see! I guess you cannot hurt anyone, right? Just go and take a new AVATAR as these people really want to see a real YOU. They know that you are an EMOTIONAL FOOL, and they don't mind bitting you. You have your AVATAR hidden somewhere. Try to look for it inside you. You just have to play HIDE 'N' SEEK, seek your AVATAR and show it to the real BASTARDS.

Show them that even you exist in this WORLD.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

9 ways to Anger Management

Who does not get angry? Well, anger is everywhere. Some people just hide it whereas some show it to the masses. The best thing here is to control the anger. If you really want to get rid of anger, then you are at right place. Here are 7 different ways which will help you control your anger.

1. Slowly drink some glasses of cold water. Do not replace it with anything else.

2. Go for a pillow fight with wall. Through the pillow as hard as you can on the wall.

3. Eat if you are little angry.

4. Do not drink any alcoholic substance as it will warm up your body.

5. Just go away from the place, person or thing, which is making you feel angry.

6. Meditation and exercises.

7. Laughter Therapy.

8. Compromise or forgiveness.

9. Build understanding.

Friday, January 8, 2010

4 ways to cure your Headache

Headache is one of the most common problems faced by all of us. I know this is not a right place to put this post here. The reason I am putting it here is to help you all to work effectively without any problem. Here are four best ways to get instant relief from Headache.

1. Eyes Area Massage - Close your eyes. Place your middle fingers to your eyes that are above cheekbones. Massage that area gently but firmly in circular motion for 1 minute.

2. Eyes to Nose Massage – Using thumb, go along the underside of eyebrows (along the bone on top of eye socket). Feel where this bone meets the bridge of your nose and eyes and find a point where there is a small indentation. Very gentle pressure, press your thumbs into the points. You can do it four times by holding and press that area for 10 seconds in each press.

3. Neck Massage - Massage a point where you can feel it by moving the middle fingers of your hands to the back of your head and feel the base of your skull. Specially, at the tops of your neck that meets the base of your skull. Massage for a minutes using finger tips gentle in circular movement.

4. Scalp Massage – Let your palms of your hands massage your scalp on the top of your skull for a minute gently.

Hope it will help you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

5 signals showing you are not time manager

Time is one of the very important factor which we need to consider everywhere. The individuals who can manage their time properly always have a smooth going, whereas there are some who are not at all able to manage their time. They just end up doing mess in every work they do. Here are 5 signals which will help you know whether you are time manager or not.

1. You have lots of work to do. You have a huge to-do list, and you are changing the dates daily.

2. All the work or projects you are doing, are all half done.

3. Even after submitting the work, people are not happy with your work.

4. You are far behind the others working with you.

5. You are not happy with whatever you are doing. You are not enjoying your work as well as you life.

I am waiting to get some more from you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wait, and you will wait forever

When you want to do something, just go for it. There are people who just wait for others to support them. Most of the time, this wait always be a wait and people end up waiting and doing nothing. There are people who just don't care about anyone when they have some important thing to do.

Similar example is shown by residents of Tajnagar village near Gurgaon. They waited for 25 long years for the government to build the railway station in their village, but they got nothing. They started operations by their own and invested Rs.2,100,000. The station started its operations on 5 January,2010.

This definitely gives us a moral. A moral that people who wait will always wait, and people who want to do will do it in any condition.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 best excuses for reaching late to the office

People have excuses for every situation. Some are just slow thinkers while some are god's grace. Here are top 5 excuses made by the employees who reach late to the office.

1. They were having made time with the stomach, or head.

2. There was a huge traffic jam in your vicinity, which made you stuck there.

3. When they were coming, they found their shoes heels broken, or clothes got dirty; so they went home and changed it.

4. There was some big event at home, and they were busy attending close guests.

5. They were in office only, but were not able to swipe their card.

There are many more excuses which employees can come up with, but these are top 5 according to me. Waiting for more excuses from you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

10 reasons to lay you off

There can be any reason for you being laid off from your company. Here are the top reasons for you being laid-off from your company.

1. People who are having attitude problems can face a lay off.

2. Their habit of not coming on time to the office on regular basis.

3. People keep their desk very dirty which may also result a lay off.

4. Habits of disturbing or interrupting others by any foolish act or talk.

5. Inability on concentrate on work.

6. Asking too many personal questions, or trying to master others' life.

7. Some people tend to do more or less than expected. This more or less is always unwanted.

8. People take office as a place for free facility service center.

9. Always cursing the company everywhere.

10. The company is a job searching agent and matrimonial agent for them.

These kind of people are not only threat for the colleagues but also for the company they are working with. Better lay them off asap.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Clothes will save ELECTRICITY now

I was just going through some articles and came across one interesting articles. According to this articles, there are some Mumbai people who came together to form a "No-Tie" Campaign. They says that wearing tie makes the person feel warm and it is because of this that many companies are using Air Conditioners. By saying NO to the ties, they will be able to save the electricity consumption.

A person said that wearing tie is more of British culture where the highest temperature in Summer is much lesser than our lowest temperature in winters. They says that people in India should wear clothes according to the culture and place.

I really don't know how far they are right. But according to me, more than 75% of the tie wearing people just take it of when they are not in contact with their seniors and the customers. Many wear it just because they love it. I am waiting for your responses.

10 little things that matters

I came across many people who don't give any importance to little things and big things matters a lot for them. Talking about little things, these are not directly related to your happiness and success, but they help you search a right path. As we have entered into TENTIES (2010) so I am writing 10 best little things which matters a lot for us.

1. Appreciate when someone smiles at you.
2. Learn to appreciate the beauty (Don't take it to the extent).
3. Always think of good things.
4. When you wake up, take the day as one of the most wonderful day in our life.
5. Choose your words by looking at the person in front of you.
6. Do your work as it comes. Don't wait for any so called important work.
7. Don't underestimate yourself in any condition as this is what people do to gain sympathy.
8. Show respect to everyone.
9. Don't mistake be a mistake. Try to learn from that.
10.Don't little things as too little as it may show effects soon.