I was just reading one of the article on performance reviews. It just came to my mind about not having a system of performance review in the organizations. It gives rise to some or the other problem. I just tried to make an attempt to put my thoughts in some lines.
Imagine there’s no performance reviews,
It is not that much difficult,
No need to report,
Imagine all the people,
Living for today...
No meeting to call for,
And policies too,
Above us not a guy,
Below us no one to threaten,
Imagine no self evaluation,
I wonder if you can,
Imagine all the people,
Living life in peace...
No need to greed or sandbagging,
No need to walk off the limit,
A brotherhood of man,
Everywhere in this world,
Imagine all the people,
Living happily...
You may say I am a Day-dreamer,
But I really dont care,
Because I am not the only one,
One day the world will be
The same as we want it to be,
I imagine all the people,
Living together forever...